Rescue Pets of Ukraine
Help today to a four-legged friend
The greatness and moral progress of a society can be measured by how that society treats animals.
Mahatma Gandhi
Our mission
The full-scale Russian invasion has changed the life of not only each Ukrainian but also all animals there. Thousands of pets rested homeless without food and care.
Sadly, the war has left many pets without owners or constant care. Shelters are overcrowded. Volunteers and pet owners asking for help everyday. There not enough sources for food, veterinary care, arrangement of proper conditions and shelters for animals.
The Rescue Pets of Ukraine works to bring assistance: purchasing food, veterinary care, fundraising for emergency surgery for pets , arranging new shelters.
About our Foundation
My name is Kristina Kristeva. I was born in Odessa Ukraine in artists family. Animals were always part of my life . They're touching our souls , open heats and teaching to unconditional love . Since the war started in my country I couldn't stand away from all those pets who lost their owners and homes. Rescue Pets of Ukraine is a chance for their new life..
Our purpose is to provide comprehensive assistance for animals through food, veterinary care , we understand that shelters and animal rescue volunteers need special support at this difficult time.
Humanitarian catastrophe. Kherson region. Ukraine.
Early Bird Discount
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Stand with Ukraine!
Together to Peace!
Promos and Offers
Wellhall Members Club
List your offers, promos, or special membership privileges and perks here to entice people to book your property.
Our contacts
Rescue Pets of Ukraine Foundation
Reg.number : 44928304
Address: Head Office
Yevreiska str.23, apt.20
Odessa 65000 Ukraine
Email :
Phone: +380676004483 Viber. Telegram
. +33774324805 Whatsapp
FB group: Rescue Pets of Ukraine Foundation
US dollar UA533077700000026003711158037 / ** SWIFT Code: UKCBUAUK
Euro UA713077700000026002711158038 / ** SWIFT Code: UKCBUAUK
PayPal :
Revolut: @kristipgbd
IBAN :LT91 3250076147404807
Kristina Kristeva
Kristina Kristeva
charity founder
Anastasia 30 y.o.
Rescue pet
volunteer . Artist
Odessa ,Ukraine
Galina .
Private shelter host
203 pets . Odessa region. Ukraine
Bill Warren, USA
american singer
Volunteer, fundraiser
Leonid Tomilin artist
Charity project support
Andrea , Italy
Rescue pets of Ukraine Volunteer.
Join our team for further projects as volunteer, donator or fundraiser. Wherever you live kind hearts stay always connected.